Royal Doulton Jugs - 9th Edition

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Royal Doulton Jugs: A Charlton Standard Catalogue has just been released. This is the ninth edition of this popular catalogue by the Charlton Press. Long considered the bible of Royal Doulton jugs.
With the rapid ever-changing market place and the constant need to update your information the Charlton Press has released its newest Jug catalogue for your Doulton Library.

While prices for the mainstream jugs remain steady the most notable highlights in pricing this year is at auction. The Clark Gable character jug recently sold for £2360, Hatless Drake realized £2185 and a Goatee Cavalier realized £1495. Pricing remains strong for the scarcer jugs.

The black and white listings at 520 pages and colour at 32 pages has remained constant with the 9th edition. However, the number of coloured illustrations has increased to over 280. Therefore, in conjuncture with the previous editions and our next two editions this will give the collector an almost complete colour image of every character jug in the Doulton Collection.

As with previous years the commissioned models are playing an important role in 2005 with UKI Ceramics, Pascoe and Company, and Direct Ceramics all issuing short run, limited edition jugs. For example, from Pascoe and Company: John F. Kennedy in both large and small sizes, from UKI Ceramics the Great Miltary Heros Series, and from DIrect Ceramics two new flambé jugs, The Wizard and The Witch?.

The Jug of the Year for 2005 was Lord Horatio Nelson. This jug was issued commemorated the 200th anniversary of the Battle of Trafalgar, the most famous naval battle of the 19th century England. For Nelson fans this is a must have jug, and for the nautical collector Admiral Nelson must be high on their list of favourites.

9th Edition
Author: Jean Dale
Editor: W. K. Cross
Release Date: November 2005
520 pages
ISBN 0-88968-306-9

Condition: brand new